The ReVased Non-Profit
Floral Donation Directory

Flowers not only make people happy; your gorgeous blooms also have proven health and wellness benefits! At ReVased, we help "upcycle" flowers whenever we can so they don't go to waste. The ReVased Non-Profit Floral Donation Directory connects event hosts across the country with flowers to donate following their events, to local non-profits who would love flowers to brighten their spaces and bring smiles to faces!

Check out our Directory below to learn more about the non-profits we work with in your region.
Please email us at and we’d love to connect you to donate your post-event flowers
(or feel free to reach out on your own!) 😀 

#bloomingtogether #flowersforgood

Senior Services

We love donating flowers to senior support organizations (i.e., nursing homes, senior centers, and assisted-living facilities)! Studies show that flowers can ease depression, increase socializing, and refresh memory as we age. Even a little exposure to nature or flowers can aid healing and renew wellbeing. We’re excited to enhance the quality of life for seniors through flower donations.

Women's Shelters

As a female-founded business, we are passionate about supporting women in need. We donate to a variety of organizations providing resources for survivors of domestic violence, women experiencing homelessness, women re-entering society after incarceration, and more. The non-profits we work with uplift women in their time of need and we're glad to help beautify their spaces with flowers.


Since the start of the pandemic, it has been meaningful to donate flowers to hospitals as they not only brighten the stays of the patients, but they also enhance the spirit of our country's incredible frontline workers. We are so grateful to all of the doctors, nurses, and all hospital staff who pushed our country through in our time of great need and beyond.

Cancer Support 

We are proud to donate to cancer support organizations, that aid both children and adults. Cancer is a harrowing experience for all those it touches, and cancer support orgs can help lessen the burden of serious illness by providing social, emotional, and financial support for patients and their loved ones. We are glad to help brighten spirits with beautiful blooms. 

The ReVased Non-Profit
Floral Donation Directory

In addition to making people happy, flowers actually have proven health and wellness benefits! At ReVased, we hate seeing beautiful flowers go to waste. The ReVased Non-Profit Floral Donation Directory connects event hosts across the U.S.A with flowers to donate from their events, to local non-profits who would love flowers to brighten their spaces and bring smiles to faces!

#bloomingtogether #flowersforgood

The ReVased Non-Profit
Floral Donation Directory

In addition to making people happy, flowers actually have proven health and wellness benefits!
At ReVased, we hate seeing beautiful flowers go to waste. The ReVased Non-Profit Floral Donation Directory connects event hosts across the U.S.A with flowers to donate from their events, to local non-profits who would love flowers to brighten their spaces and bring smiles to faces!

#bloomingtogether #flowersforgood

The ReVased Non-Profit
Floral Donation Directory

In addition to making people happy, flowers actually have proven health and wellness benefits!
At ReVased, we hate seeing beautiful flowers go to waste. The ReVased Non-Profit Floral Donation Directory connects event hosts across the U.S.A with flowers to donate from their events, to local non-profits who would love flowers to brighten their spaces and bring smiles to faces!

#bloomingtogether #flowersforgood

Senior Services

We love donating flowers to senior support organizations: lnursing homes, senior centers, and assisted-living facilities. A Rutgers University behavioral study found that flowers can ease depression, inspire social networking and refresh memory as we age. Even a little exposure to nature or flowers can aid the healing process and renew wellbeing for seniors. We’re so excited to enhance the quality of life for senior citizens through flower donations.

Women's Shelters

As a female-founded business, we’re passionate about supporting women in need. We donate to a variety of support organizations including those that provide resources for women experiencing homelessness,  re-entering society after incarceration, support survivors of domestic violence, and more. These non-profits lift women up in their time of need and we are glad to help beautify their spaces with fresh flowers.


During the pandemic, we have loved donating flowers to hospitals as they not only brighten the stays of the patients, but they also enhance the spirit of our country's incredible frontline workers. We are so grateful to all of the doctors, nurses, and all hospital staff who have pushed our country through this great time of need.

Cancer Support 

We are proud to donate to cancer support organizations for both children and adults. Cancer is a harrowing experience for all those it touches, and cancer support centers can help lessen the burden of serious illness by providing social, emotional, and financial support. We are glad to show our gratitude to these amazing support centers by brightening their spaces with blooms. 

Senior Services

We love donating flowers to senior support organizations: lnursing homes, senior centers, and assisted-living facilities. A Rutgers University behavioral study found that flowers can ease depression, inspire social networking and refresh memory as we age. Even a little exposure to nature or flowers can aid the healing process and renew wellbeing for seniors. We’re so excited to enhance the quality of life for senior citizens through flower donations.

Women's Shelters

As a female-founded business, we’re passionate about supporting women in need. We donate to a variety of support organizations including those that provide resources for women experiencing homelessness,  re-entering society after incarceration, support survivors of domestic violence, and more. These non-profits lift women up in their time of need and we are glad to help beautify their spaces with fresh flowers.


During the pandemic, we have loved donating flowers to hospitals as they not only brighten the stays of the patients, but they also enhance the spirit of our country's incredible frontline workers. We are so grateful to all of the doctors, nurses, and all hospital staff who have pushed our country through this great time of need.


We are proud to donate to cancer support organizations for both children and adults. Cancer is a harrowing experience for all those it touches, and cancer support centers can help lessen the burden of serious illness by providing social, emotional, and financial support. We are glad to show our gratitude to these amazing support centers by brightening their spaces with blooms. 



Non-Profit NameWebsiteCategoryCityState
Gardner's Housewww.gardnershouse.orgCancer Support Hartford Connecticut
Ronald McDonald House of CT & Western MAwww.rmhc-ctma.orgPediatric Illness SupportNew HavenConnecticut
Malta Housewww.maltahouse.orgServices for Pregnant WomenNorwalkConnecticut
New Beginnings Inc www.newbeginmaine.orgHomeless Shelter Lewiston Maine
RiverWoods Manchester www.rwmanchester.orgSenior Services Manchester New Hampshire
HAVEN www.havennh.orgViolence Shelter Portsmouth New Hampshire
Casa Myrnawww.casamyrna.orgViolence ShelterBostonMassachusetts
Wellspring Multi-Service Centerswww.wellspringmultiservice.orgHuman ServicesHullMassachusetts
Brookview Housebrookviewhouse.orgHomeless ShelterDorchesterMassachusetts
Steps To End Domestic Violencewww.stepsvt.orgViolence ShelterColchesterVermont
Mosaic Vermontwww.waww.mosaic-vt.orgViolence ShelterBarreVermont
Eastern Area Agency on Agingwww.eaaa.orgSenior ServicesBrewerMaine


Non-Profit NameWebsiteCategoryCityState        
Marian Housewww.marianhouse.orgViolence Shelter Baltimore Maryland
Angels Helping Angelswww.ahamd.orgFood Services Baltimore Maryland
CHAI (+15 facilities)www.chaibaltimore.orgSenior Assistance Baltimore Maryland
Chai Lifeline Mid-Atlanticwww.chailifeline.orgIllness Assistance Baltimore Maryland
Chesapeake Legal Alliancewww.chesapeakelegal.orgLegal & Environmental Services Baltimore Maryland
Levindale Hebrew Geriatric Center & Home Baltimore Maryland
Myerberg Senior Centerwww.myerberg.orgSenior Services Baltimore Maryland
PIVOT www.pivotprogram.orgWomen's Rehab Baltimore Maryland
Sinai Hospital Maryland
Volunteering Untapped www.volunteeringuntapped.orgVolunteer Services Baltimore Maryland
Weinberg House Services Baltimore Maryland
Ronald McDonald House of Maryland
Pediatric Illness SupportBaltimoreMaryland
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
www.namibaltimore.orgMental Illness ServicesBaltimore Maryland
Imadi www.imadi.orgIllness SupportBaltimore Maryland
Imadi www.imadi.orgIllness SupportSilver Spring
Hope Connections for Cancer Supportwww.hopeconnectionsforcancer.orgCancer ServicesBethesda     Maryland
Leslie's Weekwww.lesliesweek.orgCancer SupportArnoldMaryland
Sarah's Fight for Hope Foundationwww.sarahsfightforhope.orgCancer ServicesLong ValleyNew Jersey
Center For Family Serviceswww.centerffs.orgClinical ServicesVoorheesNew Jersey 
Providence House - Brooklynwww.providencehouse.orgServices & Advocacy for Violence SurvivorsBrooklynNew York
St. Mary's Centerwww.stmarysharlem.comNursing HomeNew YorkNew York
Burke Rehabwww.burke.orgRehab HospitalNew YorkNew York
Casa ServicesNew YorkNew York
Center @ Lenox Hill Neighborhood Housewww.lenoxhill.orgSenior ServicesNew YorkNew York
Chai Lifeline NYCwww.chailifeline.orgIllness AssistanceNew YorkNew York
Goddard Riverside Senior Serviceswww.goddard.orgSenior ServicesNew YorkNew York
Lincoln Square Senior Serviceswww.goddard.orgSenior ServicesNew YorkNew York
Ronald McDonald House NYCwww.rmh-newyork.orgIllness AssistanceNew YorkNew York
Sanctuary for Familieswww.sanctuaryforfamilies.orgServices for Survivors of ViolenceNew YorkNew York
The Center at Red Oakwww.wsfssh.orgSenior ServicesNew YorkNew York
HELP USAwww.helpusa.orgHomeless ShelterNew YorkNew York
God’s Blessings Planwww.GodsBlessingsPlan.orgCommunity DevelopmentHauppaugeNew York
Laurel Housewww.laurel-house.orgViolence ShelterEast NorritonPennsylvania
Shalom House
www.shalomhouse.netEmergency Shelter for Women and ChildrenHarrisburgPennsylvania
Ohesson Manor Nursing Facilitywww.diakonseniorliving.orgSenior ServicesLewistownPennsylvania
Einstein Medical Centerwww.einstein.eduHospitalPhiladelphiaPennsylvania
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvaniawww.pennmedicine.orgHospitalPhiladelphiaPennsylvania
People's Emergency Center (PEC)www.pec-cares.orgCommunity DevelopmentPhiladelphiaPennsylvania
Asylum Seeker Assistance
Housing & AssistanceWashingtonDC
AsylumWorkswww.asylumworks.orgServices for Asylum Seekers and other Immigrants Seeking Safety from ViolenceWashingtonDC
SOME (So Others Might Eat)
Poverty & Homelessness ServicesWashingtonDC
House of
Women's ShelterWashingtonDC
Ronald McDonald House Greater Washington, D.C.www.rmhcdc.orgIllness AssistanceWashingtonDC
Sitar Arts Centerwww.sitarartscenter.orgKids Art CenterWashingtonDC
Yad Yehudawww.yadyehuda.orgCommunity DevelopmentWashingtonDC
Flow- Falling Love Ones Community DevelopmentNew CastleDelaware
Visionswww.visionsvcb.orgServices for the Blind & Visually ImpairedNew YorkNew York


Non-Profit NameWebsiteCategoryCityState        
7 Hills www.7hillscenter.orgHomeless Shelter Fayetteville Arkansas
Peace at Home Family Shelter www.peaceathomeshelter.orgViolence Shelter Fayetteville Arkansas
Chai Lifeline Southeastwww.chailifeline.orgIllness AssistanceFort LauderdaleFlorida
The Children's Alliance of Floridawww.tcafl.orgYouth ServicesHomesteadFlorida
Chai Lifeline Southeastwww.chailifeline.orgIllness SupportMiamiFlorida
Miami Rescue
Homeless ServicesMiamiFlorida
Ronald McDonald House South Floridawww.rmhcsouthflorida.orgIllness SupportMiamiFlorida
AG Rhodeswww.agrhodes.orgNursing HomeAtlantaGeorgia
Live Life Half Price
www.livelifehalfprice.comHomeless Support ServicesAtlantaGeorgia
Team Maggie For A Curewww.teammaggieforacure.orgCancer ServicesRoswellGeorgia
Ronald McDonald House Kentuckianawww.rmhck.orgIllness AssistanceLouisvilleKentucky
Cancer Serviceswww.cancerservices.orgCancer SupportBaton RougeLouisiana
New Orleans Women & Children's Shelterwww.nowcs.orgWomen and Children's CenterNew OrleansLouisiana
Domestic Abuse Family Shelterwww.dafs.msViolence ShelterLaurelMississippi
Durham Crisis Response Centerwww.durhamcrisisresponse.orgViolence ShelterDurhamNorth Carolina
Hopeful Horizonswww.hopefulhorizons.orgViolence ShelterBeaufortSouth Carolina
Adult Enrichment Centerswww.aecenters.orgDisability ServicesRock HillSouth Carolina
Bridges DVCwww.bridgesdvc.orgViolence ShelterFranklinTennessee
Smyrna Senior Citizenswww.smyrnaseniorcenter.orgSenior ServicesSmyrnaTennessee
Choiceswww.choicesofpagecounty.orgViolence ShelterLurayVirginia


Non-Profit NameWebsiteCategoryCityState
Central Arizona Shelter Services www.cassaz.orgHomeless ShelterPhoenix Arizona
Valencia Shelter Services www.vssnm.orgViolence Shelter Los Lunas New Mexico
The Shade Tree www.theshadetree.orgViolence Shelter Las Vegas Nevada
Houston Area Women's Centerwww.hawc.orgViolence ShelterHoustonTexas


Non-Profit NameWebsiteCategoryCityState
Humility Homes and Serviceswww.humilityhomes.orgHomeless Shelter Davenport Iowa
Apna Ghar (Our Home)www.apnaghar.orgViolence Shelter, Culturally Competent Social ServicesChicago Illinois
The Selfhelp Homewww.selfhelphome.orgSenior ServicesChicagoIllinois
Fight Club Survivorwww.fightclubsurvivor.orgCancer SupportGrant ParkIllinois
Ive Been Mended Support ServicesJoliet Illinois
91 Placewww.91place.orgHomeless Youth ShelterIndianapolisIndiana
Senior Center Networkwww.gtcountymi.govSenior ServicesGrand TraverseMichigan
Minnesota Indian Women's Resource Centerwww.miwrc.orgViolence ShelterMinneapolisMinnesota
Open Door Missionwww.opendoormission.orgHomeless ShelterOmahaNebraska
Senior ServicesOmahaNebraska
Violence ShelterMinotNorth Dakota
Domestic Violence Crisis Centerwww.courage4change.orgViolence ShelterMinotNorth Dakota
Asian Services in Actionwww.asiaohio.orgCulturally Competent Social ServicesClevelandOhio
Abilities Firstwww.abilitiesfirst.orgAutism SupportMiddletownOhio
Relay For Lifewww.relayforlife.orgCancer SupportHartfordWisconsin
Rose Brooks Centerwww.rosebrooks.orgWomen's ShelterKansas CityKansas
Habitat for Humanity of the Northern Flint Hillswww.mahfh.orgAffordable HousingManhattanKansas
Willow Domestic Violence Centerwww.willowdvcenter.orgWomen's ShelterKansas CityMissouri
Kinder Key of Nationwide Children's Hospitalwww.nationwidechildrens.orgChildren’s HospitalColumbusOhio


Non-Profit NameWebsiteCategoryCityState
TESSA www.tessacs.orgViolence Shelter Colorado Springs Colorado
A Woman's Placewww.awpdv.orgViolence Shelter Greeley Colorado
Women's and Children's
Alliance (WCA)
www.wcaboise.orgViolence Shelter Boise Idaho
Idaho Falls Senior
Services-Meals on Wheels
www.ifsccc.orgSenior Services Idaho Falls Idaho
Great Falls Rescue Mission www.greatfallsrescuemission.orgHomeless Shelter Great Falls Montana
Safe Harbor Crisis Centerwww.safeharborhope.orgViolence ShelterFarmingtonUtah
South Valley Serviceswww.svsutah.orgViolence ShelterWest JordanUtah
Community Safety Networkwww.csnjh.orgViolence ShelterJacksonWyoming


Non-Profit NameWebsiteCategoryCityState
Kesem www.campkesem.orgCancer Services Los Angeles California
Los Angeles House of Ruth www.losangeleshouseofruth.comViolence Shelter Los Angeles California
Community Forward SF www.communityforwardsf.orgViolence Shelter San Francisco California
Casa de Amparowww.casadeamparo.orgViolence ShelterSan MarcosCalifornia
The West Women's and Children's Shelterwestwomens.salvationarmy.orgViolence ShelterPortlandOregon
Nurturelywww.nurturely.orgPerinatal ServicesEugeneOregon






Focus Areas






Focus Areas






Focus Areas

Check out some of our amazing non-profit partners!

Adult Enrichment Centers

Disability Services

Ronald McDonald House

Cancer Support Services

Marian House

Women's Shelter

A.G. Rhodes

Senior Center